Wall Painting
Creating a welcoming Iowa home that matches your personality, style, and color scheme. We use refined interior paints with a smooth finish for a rewarding finish.
Request Free EstimateOverview
Every wall painting project we approach goes beyond slapping a new coat of paint and hoping for the best. Our thorough painting services in Iowa assess your walls, address imperfections, and carefully apply only the highest quality interior paints.
From neutral earth tones that cultivate a safe and serene atmosphere to bolder colors that make your furniture visually pop, we provide the skills and expertise you need for a seamless look. We are happy to work with special requests like stripes, abstract shapes, featured walls, and hard-to-reach areas that infuse those tiny restrooms or complex pantries into unifying spaces in your home.
Best of all, we work with your schedule to minimize any disruption to your daily life so your family can return to what matters most – enjoying time with one another.
Why Choose Rainbow Pro Painting, LLC?
Our professional painting services at Rainbow Pro Painting are 100% customized to your unique home or business property. We want you to feel a strong return on your investment by offering only the best services that stand the test of time. What makes us unique is that we listen to your needs, carefully match colors, make local recommendations, and provide as little disruption to your life as possible without sacrificing quality results.
Personalized Customer Service
We build trust by tailoring all our house painter services to your unique needs.
Premium Grade Materials
We work with the highest quality, durable products for Iowa weather conditions.
Quick & Safe Workspace
We respect your property and team health by maintaining a safe and clean workspace.
Before and After
Take a look at how our professional painting services can revitalize any local Iowa residential or commercial property.
See All ProjectsOur Painting Service in Iowa Process
Our expert commercial and house painters follow a meticulous process to ensure fantastic results for every project.
We provide a transparent cost estimate outlining your project's various scope and needs for your informed decision-making.
We carefully assess your space for any repairs or issues before prepping and priming the surfaces for optimal paint absorption.
We utilize our skills, equipment, and specialized tools for a smooth, durable coat of paint that ensures the best coverage of your target space.
We apply any additional coats or sealants before inspecting the work, making touch-ups, and cleaning our area for your final walkthrough.